Faculty Member Profile

Welcome to the profile of our esteemed lecturer, he plays a vital role in enriching our Institute's academic community with a unique blend of expertise, passion and commitment, this faculty member is dedicated to shaping the minds of future leaders through innovative teaching methods and engaging course content.

In this profile, you will find insights into their personal background, subject interests, educational qualifications and professional experiences. Additionally, discover their contributions to the SIHE community, including services rendered, research publications and participation in various trainings and workshops.

As an educator, mentor and researcher, this lecturer actively contributes to advancing knowledge in their field, inspiring students to achieve their academic and professional goals. Explore this profile to learn more about their diverse talents and scholarly pursuits that enhance the educational experience at our university.

Teacher Image
Name: Waheedullah Last Name Bawar
Faculty Medicine Whatsapp #
Phone #
Offical Email: Waheedullah.bawar@spingheruniversity.edu.af Personal Email: Bawarwaheedullah6@gmail.com
Subject Interest:

Subject1: Neurosergery

Subject2: Radiology

Subject3: Surgery

Education Background:

Baccalaureate:  Institute of Health Science

Year:  1376

Bachelor:   MD Spinghar Institute of Higher Education

Specialization:  Neurosurgery Nangarhar Public Health Hospital 

Year:   2020

Services at SHIE: From: 2020 To:2024 CON
Professional Experience:

Organization:  NRH Nangarhar Public Hospital

Post Title:  Traini Spicialist Doctor

Year/Duration:  1396-1400

Organization:    Sintifict Institute of Health Science

Post Title:  Lecturer

Year/Duration: 1394-1395

Organization:   Alkozai Institute of Health Science

Post Title: Lecturer

Year/Duration:  1396-1397

Organization: Rohan Institute of Highir Education

Post Title: Lecturer

Year/Duration: 2018-2020

Research Publications Links:


Trainings & Workshops Attended:

T&W Title: OBE/SCL

Organization: Spingher Institute Of Higher Education

Year/Date: 2023

T&W Title: Research Methodology

Organization: Spingher Institute Of Higher Education

Year/Date: 2023

T&W Title: Data anylasis SPSS

Organization:  Spingher Institute Of Higher Education

Year/Date: 2024

T&W Title: Infection Diseases Training

Organization: Helth Net

Year/Date: 1396

T&W Title: Mental Health

Organization: Helth Net
