Peer Reviewers

According to the rules and regulations of the academic and research journals for the Universities and Institutions of Higher Education, per reviewers (External Review Board) consist of experts in one or more academic disciplines. Their role is to evaluate scientific research articles, focusing on both content and methodology. After completing their review, they submit their evaluations and recommendations to the editorial board, which then makes the final decision regarding publication. This process ensures a thorough and impartial assessment of research submissions.


The primary responsibility of peer reviewers is to ensure that scientific research articles align with institutional policies and adhere to established research guidelines, and are credible and significant. They play a critical role in maintaining research quality by offering constructive feedback on methodology, results, and analysis. Peer reviewers evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the research, providing detailed suggestions for improvement. Their assessments help refine the research, addressing any identified gaps or inconsistencies. Additionally, they recommend whether the article should be accepted for publication, revised, or rejected. By upholding rigorous review standards external reviewers contribute to the credibility and advancement of scholarly publications, supporting researchers in enhancing the overall quality and impact of their work.


Conditions for Appointing Peer Reviewers


1.    Membership Limitations: There is no limit on the number of members that can be appointed to the external review board (Peer Reviewers).

2.    Publication Requirements: Each member of the external review board (Peer Reviewers) must have published a minimum of two articles in reputable international journals.

3.    Expertise Alignment: The expertise of each external review board (Peer Reviewers) member must align with the specific field of activity of the academic and research journal.

4.    Establishment Stage: It is not mandatory for national academic journals to appoint external review board members at the establishment stage. However, to obtain accreditation, both internal and external review board members must be officially introduced into the Research, Compilation, and Translation Deputy of the Ministry of Higher Education.

5.    Internal to External Transition: At least three members of the internal review board (Editorial Board) are eligible to serve as members of the external review board (Peer Reviewers) for the national academic and research journal. It is essential that the external review board operates independently from the internal review board.


Characteristics for Effective Peer Reviewers

1.    Members should have in-depth knowledge of the relevant academic fields or disciplines.

2.    Peer reviewers members must be able to analyze complex information and present their opinions with critical thinking.

3.    They should carefully evaluate detailed articles to identify misinformation and contradictions.

4.    Decisions should be made impartially, based on rational principles, with a focus on the article rather than the author.

5.    Throughout the review process, Peer reviewer members should express their opinions clearly and constructively.


Review Process

1.    Researchers and authors submit their articles to the editorial board for review and approval.

2.    The managing editor or the editorial board ensures that the article aligns with the journal's scope and policies.

3.    Peer reviewers are selected based on the topic, content, and scope of the article, ensuring their expertise is relevant.

4.    Peer reviewers evaluate the article and provide feedback within a specified timeframe.

5.    The editorial board makes a decision based on the reviewers' recommendations and sends feedback to the authors.

6.    The Authors make revisions based on the feedback of the article and resubmit it for the second and third time (repeatedly, until all errors are corrected).

No Image Name Designation Phone Email Address
1 Associate Professor Mohammad Azim Azimi Reviewer +93 786 069 425
2 Professor Hayatullah Ahmadzai Reviewer +93 700 611 015
3 Associate Professor Muhibullah Shinwari Reviewer +93 799 322 275
4 Senior Teaching Assistant Attaulhaq Banuree Reviewer +93 788 886 318
5 Associate Professor Rizwanullah Memlawal Reviewer +93 773 415 480