


The Faculty of Dentistry at Spinghar Institute of Higher Education is dedicated to achieving a set of general goals aimed at enhancing the quality of dental education, research and community health. These objectives are designed to ensure the development of competent and skilled dental professionals who are well-equipped to meet the evolving demands of the healthcare sector. The faculty is committed to providing excellent theoretical and practical education through standardized teaching methods, expanding research activities and continuously improving the educational curriculum. Furthermore, the faculty aims to establish new departments and academic programs, while fostering strong relationships with national and regional institutions. The improvement of faculty, staff and student knowledge and skills is a priority, alongside the promotion of quality improvement standards. With a focus on expanding dental departments and clinics at the teaching hospital, the faculty also seeks to raise awareness of oral health and its importance to public health. In addition, the faculty strives to reduce unnecessary costs and increase revenue, ensuring transparency and fairness in all administrative and academic processes.

General Goals (Objectives) of the Faculty of Dentistry

1.    To provide excellent theoretical and practical teaching through standardized teaching methods.

2.    To expand and promote research activities and programs in the field of dentistry.

3.    To develop, implement, review and evaluate the faculty's educational curriculum.

4.    To establish new departments and academic programs.

5.    To enhance the knowledge and skills of faculty members, administrative staff and students.

6.    To increase awareness and implement quality improvement standards at the faculty level.

7.    To expand the departments and clinics of dentistry at the teaching hospital.

8.    To develop relationships with national and regional related institutions.

9.    To improve public health and raise awareness in the community regarding oral health.

10. To reduce unnecessary expenses and increase revenue at the faculty.

11. To ensure transparency and fairness in the distribution of tasks and evaluations of staff and students.