Spinghar Institute of Higher Education is fully committed to the implementation of the Ministry of Higher Education's legal documents and official laws. Accordingly, after the establishment of the Department of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in the organizational structure of the Ministry of Higher Education; Efforts have been made to implement Quality Assurance and Accreditation processes in all educational institutions. After the establishment of the quality assurance and accreditation framework, the main Quality Assurance Committee was established on 17/10/1394 in order to improve the quality of all scientific, research and teaching activities in Spinghar Institute of Higher Education.
It is worth mentioning that the mentioned committee started its activities under the leadership of the vice chancellor of scientific affairs of the institution with several important members and having a specific task plan and operational plan. After a few years passed, the importance and value of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation process in educational institutions was further developed and there was a need to establish a quality improvement authority in educational institutions.